Standing/Back Row–Sandy Darnstaedt, Director-Illinois; Pam Hornung, Director-Wisconsin; Dee Johnson, Director-Indiana (Webmaster); Theresa Allen, Director (Iowa Chair); Connie Rommal, Director-Iowa; Dorothy Appel, Director-Illinois; Sally Reighard, Director-Iowa; Kandi Birmingham, President; Gerri Smolen, Treasurer (Indiana Chair); Sharon Kotul, Director-Indiana; Mary McClay, Director (Ohio Chair). Sitting/Front Row: Lynn Howard, Director-Ohio; Cathy Hall, Director-Illinois; Betty McCann, Secretary (Illinois Chair); Monica Kegerreis, Director-Indiana; Marcia Snyder, Vice President (Wisconsin Chair). Absent: Nancy Frombaugh, Director-Ohio and Michelle Bartoletti, Director, Wisconsin.
The following Squads are closed—they are filled! (as of 2/4/25)
Full Team Squads:
- Friday, 30-May 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, 31-May 2:30 p.m.
- Sunday, 1-Jun 11:00 a.m.
- Saturday 7-Jun 11:00 a.m.
- Saturday, 7-June 2:30 p.m.
- Sunday, 8-June 11:00 a.m.
- Saturday 14-Jun 11:00 a.m.
- Sunday, 15-June 11:00 a.m.
- Saturday 21-Jun 2:30 p.m.
- Sunday, 22-June 11:00 a.m.
Full Doubles and Singles Squads:
- Saturday, 14-June 1:30 p.m.
- Saturday, 21-June 1:30 p.m.
Kandy Birmingham
1544 S. 165th Street, New Berlin, WI 53151
Vice President
Marcia Snyder, WI State Chair
N8235 Sunset Drive, Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Betty McCann, IL State Chair
1022 Magnolia, Gurnee, IL 60031
Gerri Smolen, IN State Chair
2329 Courtside Lane, Portage, IN 46368
Dee Johnson, IN Director
Kokomo, IN 46902-4416
Midwest Women’s Tournament State USBC Links
National Links
- United States Bowling Congress
- The National Bowling Association, Inc
- Bowlers to Veterans Link
- Susan G. Komen For the Cure
National Clubs
2025 Midwest Women’s Tournament
The 2025 Wisconsin-hosted tournament information will be posted here as it becomes available.
Wisconsin – 2025 Host of the 12th Annual Midwest Women’s Tournament
Motel Options for 2025 Wisconsin locations will be provided when they become available.
Effective in 2023
- Tournament Entry Rule 3c – When the previous season’s average is used, and at the time of bowling an entrant has a current average of 21 or more games that is 15 pins higher than the prior season’s qualifying Tournament Entry Rules 3A and 3B average, the current average of 15+ pins or higher must be used. (Rule 319a-2 applies)
Effective 2018
- Tournament Entry Rule 5 – Multiple Participation: A bowler may enter team or doubles and singles events an unlimited number of times; however, a team must change at least two (2) bowlers per entry and doubles must change at least one (1) bowler per entry. A bowler can cash only once in singles.
Dates to Remember
- Opening Day – May 24, 2025
- Ends June 22, 2025
- Entries Close May 10, 2025
Hosting Centers
- Team– New Berlin Bowl • 16000 W Cleveland Avenue • New Berlin, WI 53151
- Doubles/Singles–AMF West • 7505 W Oklahoma Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 53219
Wisconsin Tournament Manager – Sandy Liederbach
Tournament Entry Form (fillable)
Tournament Entry FormAverage Verification Form — Fillable (complete then print)
Average Verification Form (print then complete)
Bowler Substitute Form — Fillable (complete then print)
Bowler Substitute Form (print then complete)
~ 2025 ~
Wisconsin Tournament Entry Form – Fillable
(complete then print)
Wisconsin Tournament Entry Form
Print then Complete
To utilize all aspects of the
Adobe Acrobat / PDF fillable forms
To save a copy of your Adobe (.pdf) completed form(s) on your computer:
- You must use the Adobe Reader (free) or Acrobat Program to open and edit (Click here for Free Acrobat Adobe Reader)
- It is to your advantage to be sure that you have a current version of the FREE Adobe Reader that is easily downloaded from link above
- Save the form on your computer with a unique name such as “yourname_mwt_entry.pdf”
- Open that file (“yourname_2021entry.pdf”) on your computer from your files
- Fill it out, then save again—you must open the file you saved; do not try to complete the entry form from the website if you want to save a copy to your computer
- To test to be sure that it is saving correctly, put your name in, save it, and reopen
Average Verification Form — Fillable (complete then print)
Average Verification Form (print then complete)
Bowler Substitute Form — Fillable (complete then print)
Bowler Substitute Form (print then complete)
11th Annual Midwest Women’s Tournament
Beaver Vu Bowl • Beavercreek, Ohio
May 24, 2024 – June 23, 2024
2020 – Indiana (canceled / COVID 19)
Past Board Rosters (coming)
Board Pictures (coming)
Midwest Women’s Tournament Information
Midwest Women’s Tournament Statistics
Midwest Women’s Tournament Honor Scores (300’s & 800’s)
Midwest Women’s Tournament and Changes
- Handicap has always been the same – 100% of 240
- Always had only one division
- In 2013 multiple participation was not allowed
- In 2013 Squad Leader Incentive – $25 for 4 or more teams
- In 2014 Squad Leader Incentive was changed to $25 for 5 teams plus $10 for each additional 5 teams
- Various prize fund enhancements began in 2014
- Effective in 2014 multiple participation for team only was introduced
- July 7, 2017, incorporated as a non-profit organization
- In 2018 multiple participation changed from team event only to team, doubles, and singles events as per rule #5 (cashing only once in singles)
- In 2019 the Optional Scratch Events increased from $5 to $10
- Effective in 2023, when the previous season’s average is used, and at the time of bowling an entrant has a current average of 21 or more games that is 15 pins higher than the prior season’s qualifying Tournament Entry Rules 3A and 3B average, the current average of 15+ pins or higher must be used. (Rule 319a-2 applies)
Who? Why?
In 2008, five mid-western states – Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin (Iowa joined shortly after), met to exchange ideas, types of tournaments and dates that was proven best for their state tournaments, when was best to schedule workshops and other state functions, state salaries and number of board members, and anything that influenced the operations of a State Bowling Association. They shared success stories as well as the unsuccessful experiences.
In 2010-2011, those six states met to lay the groundwork for the Midwest Women’s Tournament. Each state association donated start-up monies to be returned after the tournament was well established. Every state received its initial seed money used for the start-up costs after the first tournament (2013 with Michigan as hosting state), and the Midwest Women’s Tournament was a huge success story. The states drew for the rotation of hosting the tournament with the leaders creating the Guidelines and improved with lessons learned annually.
The Midwest Women’s Tournament state presidents were invited to meet with then WIBC President Sylvia Broyles to discuss issues/rumors pertaining to the new tournament. President Broyles was assured that providing an optional/regional tournament for the women who could not attend the National Tournament because of traveling costs, tournament site location, etc., which played into participating in tournaments, would not be a distraction from the National Tournament. They believed we were losing tournament bowlers due to complacencies of returning to the same site, and it was felt that the Midwest Women’s Tournament could be a regional tournament that could act as a stepping-stone for many to the National Tournament. We strived to retain our tournament participants.
2025 – Wisconsin
Team—New Berlin Bowl | New Berlin, Wisconsin
Doubles—AMF West • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dates: May 24 – June 22, 2025
2026 – Indiana
Team, Doubles, Singles—Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl • Lafayette, Indiana
Dates: May 15 – June 28, 2026
No Bowling on: June 19-21, 2026
The following link provides listings of housing options plus more info... Milwaukee, Wisconsin Housing PLUS More Info